BTO/RSPB/NE Heathland Birds Survey 2025

This BTO-organised survey will cover the heathland specialist birds nightjar, woodlark and Dartford warbler in all breeding habitats rather than being a survey of heathlands so there are many squares available in Sussex that are on farmland or in woodland as well as on heathland habitats.

The survey will involve morning visits for woodlark during the period 15 February to 31 May, morning visits for Dartford warbler during the period 1 April to 30 June, and evening visits for nightjar during the period 25 May to 31 July.

The online survey application is now live so please look at the map at to see the squares to be surveyed and please consider registering and requesting a square.

Further information is available at or please contact Helen Crabtree at if you have any questions.