Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings


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26 Jul 2024Spotted Flycatchers

Nice to watch a juvenile (photo) and adult Spotted Flycatcher busily feeding this morning. Although these two were just outside the Barcombe Parish boundary, there have been several sightings in the Barcombe area this summer which perhaps give reasons for some optimism over their future here.

posted by Simon Linington on 26 Jul 2024 17:09

23 Jul 2024Lesser Whitethroat

A Lesser Whitethroat has been feeding in my Burgess Hill garden since the 23rd July photo included.

posted by Peter Solly on 26 Jul 2024 10:46

25 Jul 2024Pagham Harbour

The weather pretty dire, but I spent an hour and a half in the NE corner, hoping to see the Pectoral Sandpiper seen in the harbour yesterday (see Birding the Selsey Peninsular). I didn’t see it, but as usual here there were birds on offer, e.g. the Great White Egret still on the Breech Pool, indeed three species of egret here, two Yellow-legged Gulls, both adults, Grey Plovers, including a male resplendent in breeding plumage (pic), Dunlins in breeding plumage too and Black-tailed Godwits.

posted by Alan Kitson on 25 Jul 2024 15:37

24 Jul 2024Sparrowhawk - Ringmer

We had a Sparrowhawk in the back garden this morning, with prey and my 9 year old nephew, Jake, used my camera to take this picture - start them young!

posted by Phillip Wells on 24 Jul 2024 19:43

24 Jul 2024One of this year's crop of Goshawks

A juvenile Goshawk was flying over farmland in Barcombe parish late lunchtime today. This species is being seen increasingly in the area reflecting trends elsewhere in Sussex. However, it is uncertain quite how far away this bird was raised.

posted by Simon Linington on 24 Jul 2024 19:21

22 Jul 2024Hurstpierpoint Swifts, House Martins and raptors

We now have 3 confirmed Swift nest boxes with chicks, very good news for the 2nd year of our Swift project. Two 
Peregrines flew over Hurstpierpoint calling loudly. Two Ravens often around high up over the village plus Red Kite, Buzzard and Sparrowhawk all hanging around.

High Street House Martins have had another good year with 10+ occupied nests and new nests being built this year. 

posted by Rebecca Rees on 24 Jul 2024 17:57

24 Jul 2024High tide on the Adur

I spent some time at the view point opposite the houseboats in the run up to high tide this afternoon. Multiple sightings of Common Sandpipers, usually single birds in flight and difficult to determine a total but probably at least ten. Whimbrels were also present, with the most seen together being seven, so that would provide a minimum number. Also four Dunlins, about 25 Redshanks and nine Lapwings. A Sandwich Tern kept company with around 30 Black-headed Gulls until they were dispersed by the rising tide, and there was one adult Mediterranean Gull. Two Grey Herons, and 13 Little Egrets that were initially spread around the saltmarsh congregated by the mound just south of Norfolk Bridge prior to high tide.

posted by Steve Gilbert on 24 Jul 2024 16:06

23 Jul 2024Swifts on the move?

A big number of Swifts congregated high over the NE corner of Steyning tonight; hard to count, but there must be several hundred.

posted by Anthony Holden on 23 Jul 2024 19:20

23 Jul 2024Honey-buzzards in Sussex

There's an update on the season and a request for caution regarding photos of Honey-buzzards with food under Latest Posts. This first season with published viewpoints has been a learning process. Thanks for your cooperation and good luck if you've still to have a look for them.

posted by Mark Mallalieu on 23 Jul 2024 07:42

22 Jul 2024Fairlight Cliffs

After a brief period of hot weather and moth filled nights, back to normal, with a strong westerly putting a stop to that. A couple of hours seawatching produced 3 Gannets and a welcome adult Yellow-legged Gull.

posted by Alan Parker on 23 Jul 2024 05:40

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