Sussex Ornithological Society Council positions are held for five years from the date of the Annual General Meeting, so we are always looking for new volunteers from the membership to get involved with the running of the Society.

In 2020, there will be vacancies for the positions of Secretary, Newsletter Editor, and Surveys and Projects Officer.   Looking further ahead to 2021, we will be looking for a new Recorder, Bird Report Editor and  Press and Publicity Officer.

As a member of Council, you would be invited to attend five evening meetings per year, and to contribute thoughts and suggestions to all aspects of the many interesting and varied aspects of running the Society.  We are a very friendly and welcoming bunch, and if you think you might be interested in a particular role that requires the completion of specific jobs or functions, then we will fully coach and support you on a trial basis, until you (hopefully) reach a point where you feel sufficiently able to take on that role in full.

We welcome any age and level of experience, so if you are interested in finding out more about SOS Council positions, then please get in touch with Chris Davis, to find out more