SOS Avifauna Award

Sussex Ornithological Society Avifauna Award


In 2014 the Sussex Ornithological Society published an avifauna, The Birds of Sussex.

A profit of about £9,000 was made from the sale of this book and the SOS has decided it would like to use these funds for specific projects which further the Objects of the society.

The Objects of the SOS are:

  • To record and study wild birds in Sussex
  • To assist in the conservation of the wild birds of Great Britain
  • To encourage by the use of meetings, books, outings and other ways, the study of birds in the field and ornithological science in general, the education of its members and the general public in ornithological science and the need for the protection of wild birds and their habitats


Priority will be given to projects in the area of education. The average grant value is £500 but we will consider applications of up to £1000.

Application forms for an award from this fund can be downloaded by clicking here.

Any queries and completed application forms should be emailed to Ted Merrikin at